Knee injuries are infamous for their common occurrence, unpredictable onset, and long recovery process. Especially for those of us who maintain an active lifestyle, favorite activities like running or skiing can end in these debilitating injuries. Even outside of the athletic realm, something as simple as a misstep can put you out of commission for months.
A recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine offers good news for the future of knee injury recovery, especially meniscus tears. While surgery may seem like a quick fix, the study suggests that less risky and more cost effective physical therapy may produce the same healing effects.
In a study of 351 patient aged 45 years of age or older with a meniscus tear and osteoarthritis, researchers divided the participants into a surgery group and a standard physical therapy group to compare the two treatments throughout a year long period. At both six and twelve months, participants who have received only physical therapy as a treatment showed comparable improvement to those who had undergone surgery to heal their knee injuries.
These interesting findings suggest that there may be a need to reevaluate how healthcare providers determine the most appropriate treatment plan for knee injuries, such as meniscus tears, and highlight the importance of physical therapy as a great alternative to surgery.
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